Tytuł wpisu w pamiętniku odchudzania:
06.12.12-diet 100%; fitness 0%


oatmeal (30 g-110 kcal) with Stevia,fat free milk (35 kcal), blackberries (50 g-36 kcal), raspberries (50 g-15 kcal), strawberries (50 g-14 kcal)
coffee with fat free milk (35 kcal)
black tea

rye wholemeal bread (158 kcal), cottage cheese fat free (67 g-58 kcal), prawns (62 g-45 kcal), radish and cucumber (22 kcal)

LUNCH-13.45-257 KCAL
seafood selection:king prawns, mussels, squid (110 g-90 kcal), oriental vegetables with bamboo shoots and water chestnuts with olive oil (57 kcal), Chinese noodles (110 kcal)
rooibos tea

SNACK-16.30-396 KCAL
wholemeal penne (40 g-138 kcal), chicken (70 g-106 kcal), dried tomatoes with olive oil (41 kcal), pine, sunflower and pumpkin seeds (20 g-111 kcal)

II SNACK-18.00-111 KCAL
pine, sunflower and pumpkin seeds

DINNER-18.30-258 KCAL
3 Ryvitas (110 kcal), cottage cheese fat free (67 g-58 kcal), prawns (50 kcal), tomatoes and cucumber (40 kcal)
nettle tea

1550 KCAL

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